Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pump up the VOLUME.

I absolutely LOVE this vintage, 80's sweater I got from the Good Will <3. These pictures are from earlier this year, but I'm still in love with them.

Oh little one.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nose chain.

Back with another post. I created a nose chain for my nose ring and it turned out pretty well. I ended up making it a nose chain and necklace all in one <3. Oh, and I love that lace shirt. I picked it up from a thrift shop and the jean jacket was picked up at a Goodwill for only $4 :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I guess school uniform pants do come in handy! I never really wanted to wear these to school because I couldn't find anything to pair them up with, but that top [which I snagged from a store called 'Ross'] went perfect with the pants! My hair looks so poofy here! xD

How lucky was I to find this sweater at the Good Will?! I absolutely love that place.

The first posts are always the most awkward...

Spring is definitely in the air! I just can't wait to officially go shopping for spring clothes. And oh yeah, check out the high heels. You won't see me in those often even though I'm trying my best to learn to walk in them.